xantoniolo-700x500-jpg-pagespeed-ic-h1kCThe Antoniolo company was founded by Cav. Mario Antoniolo in the 40s, later was led by his daughter Rosanna. Now they are the nephews Alberto and Lorella at the helm of the company.


The wines produced by the company are distinguished by austerity, territorial coherence and elegance. The original site was in a monastery of the fifteenth century, owned by the family, then in the '70s, due to logistical needs, it was moved where it is currently.


Located in the Alto Piemonte area, the company currently leads about 14 hectares with an annual production of around 55,000 bottles, the vineyards are wholly owned and all wines are produced only from their own grapes.


The best results have been obtained by excluding the vines from the viticulture, and their nebbioli thus benefit from ideal collocations on volcanic soils and south - south / west exposures.


A natural approach in the vineyard, through the use of non-invasive methods and the adoption of exclusively natural practices in the cellar complete the company's production philosophy.


The old milliseconds of the company are the subject of strong demand in the foreign market.

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