Armagnac is a wine distillate, produced in France in the Gascony region. Unlike Cognac, it is not produced on an industrial scale but by small companies in limited quantities, and is aged in oak wood for at least 3 years. Armagnac De Pontiac is produced in the most renowned area, Bas Armagnac, and is a refined and high quality distillate, reserved for true connoisseurs.________

Armagnac is a brandy distilled only with wines from grapes from Gascony. Its origins date back to the Middle Ages when it was called 'aygue ardente' and is considered the oldest distillate in France. Unlike Cognac it is not produced on an industrial scale and is produced by small companies in limited quantities. Also the wood of barrels for aging is aged in oak. The type of wood also influences the color of the distillate. The Armagnac cru are Bas Armagnac, Haut-Armagnac and Tenareze. The finest spirits are from Bas Armagnac, while in the Tenareze are produced distillates with the scent of violet. Armagnac is distilled with copper stills with shelves. The basic must is subjected to a single distillation phase and the resulting substance is then placed to age in large black oak barrels which are left to rest at a constant temperature of 15 degrees centigrade. Armagnac must age at least three years. Armagnac is less common than cognac or brandy and is appreciated only by real connoisseurs. It is a liqueur that should be tasted after meals, smooth with the glass slightly heated with the heat of the hands to allow the distillate to release all its aromas and its aromas. This particular brandy is characterized by an aroma of vanilla and nose notes of apricot, citrus and licorice. Armagnac tasting glasses are small and thin and are called sniffers. You can also use balloons that must be small to avoid dispersing aromas and perfumes.

After some time and a lot of research we found a manufacturer of Armagnac that is simply amazing with an unbeatable price-quality ratio. It is called Armagnac de Pontiac, located in the prized area and then produces bas armagnac.

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